Author Archives: admin2

Top 100+ Generative AI Applications Use Cases in 2023

Best Generative AI Model with 9 Examples It can be used to load datasets, perform transformations, and analyze data using Python libraries like pandas, numpy, and matplotlib. You can ask ChatGPT Code Interpreter to perform certain analysis tasks and it will write and execute the appropriate Python code. Another use case of generative AI involves generating responses […]

Residence Automation Technology

Home automation technologies just like smart light bulbs, video doorbells and video security cameras are becoming a staple of tech-savvy and eco-conscious people. Many intelligent devices search on the internet of Stuff technology to communicate with each other and with a homeowner’s phone or computer. They can find out and adjust to your preferences and […]

The very best Antivirus Pertaining to iPhone

While the App-store vetting method and iOS security revisions have a great deal to do with keeping your smartphone malware-free, you will encounteer some hazards out there, if it’s data-stealing apps, scam sites or simply device robbery. With a few great antivirus equipment, you can keep your iPhone secure. While there are some free […]